No Poverty

We practice Kaizen, hence our objectives are to minimize our cost of production so that we can offer our product at an economical price point. We continue to create new business markets, example the out-grower farmers program, where farmers have been encouraged to grow trees for us, so that they can sell them back for income. For our marketing requirements we engaged a community of ladies to make ‘Mwikos’ for us, which we used in our roadshows.

Our Out-Growers Program

In 2013, as part of our focus on the environment, we started tree planting exercises in Marereni and Gongoni. Over 841,211 casuarina plants have already been planted in Marereni and Gongoni. We have also planted over 1,650 bamboo trees in Gongoni. We have also established an Out-Grower program with local farmers to grow trees. We currently have more than 86 local farmers who have been engaged. The seedlings are provided by us. Until now, over 7,404 casuarina trees have been planted by the Out-Grower farmers. We have also managed to plant more trees this year by making an agreement with Marereni Primary and Secondary schools to plant casuarina trees along their boundaries. We have planted approximately 1,940 casuarina trees within the schools’ compounds. Through the tree planting program, we have also engaged the locals (both individuals and saccos) in maintaining casuarina tree nurseries. We provide seeds and seedling bags to the farmers, and when the seedlings mature for transplanting we buy them, there by providing a source of income to the community.

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